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Photography Final E-Portfolio Post

Liam O'Hare


This assignment required us to take up to 300 photos and tell a story with the photos, very similar to animation except the framerate was kept low, mine was at 10 frames per second. We had to tell a story in some way. I kept the camera still so that my compositional elements mostly stayed true. Since the scene was mostly white, it was hard to have spatial awareness of the scene. So I used the tape player to add dimension to help illustrate depth in the scene, as well as guide the viewers eye, I think it went well. The focal point of the image was mostly wherever the main character went, and all of his notable activities where viewers had to be paying attention were in well placed areas that guided the viewers eye. As time goes on the lighting changes, which is a bad thing, so next time I will have to close the blinds and not let any natural light in. I didn't use any post processing except for some video editing in photoshop and premiere.


For this assignment we had to make a hyperreal photo, which was using techniques in post to create an image that seems impossible but is created with real images. I made giant car keys next to my car to make it look like a toy car. The intended composition was to use the road as some perspective lines to draw the viewers eye in. The car was placed at a middle ground place and the keys were put just in front of it. The focal point of my image was the car and car keys, but the viewer's eye likely will first be drawn to the car since it is closer and stands out more in color. I think I drew the viewers eye well. I didn't have many problems with this image other than getting a realistic reflection on the car of the keys, which took many attempts before achieving the correct look. I like the lighting but I think this could've been cooler at sunset. I used some color grading and some saturation effects to change some of the colors in the photo as the original wasn't very rich in color and lighting.


This assignment asked us to take a photo of a friend and change some aspects about the original image. I took a photo of my friend on a hike and then changed her hair color and did some skin smoothing. This wasn't at the request of my friend but instead required in the assignment guidelines. The composition works great, as the horizon frames my friend well and the fence post also creates a nice pattern to help guide the eye. The subject is close to the camera and it is obvious who the subject is. I liked using the rule of thirds in this one, although overused, I think it actually achieved a well placed subject and a visually compelling image. I had a few problems with this assignment, mainly I should have turned the ISO down because there was quite a bit of noise from the photo I took, next time I'll have to make better adjustments. This time of day was perfect for lighting. For post processing procedures I changed the subject's hair and made her skin smoother. I also added blur in places along the landscape and changed some colors by painting masks. It was a difficult image, and overall I think it should have been taken closer up to the subject, but I think for what the original image is, it looks good.

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