3D scanning technology - the present scenario and future expectations. Circuit Digest - Electronics Engineering News, Latest Products, Articles and Projects. (n.d.). Retrieved February 23, 2023, from https://circuitdigest.com/article/3d-scanning-technology-advantages-challenges-and-future
This article covers the future of 3D scanning technology from challenges, innovations, and opportunities. It even discusses how AI technology can be used to speed up the production pipeline and increase accuracy.
Rankin, J. (2022, November 17). How does a 3D scanner work? Capture 3D. Retrieved February 23, 2023, from https://www.capture3d.com/knowledge-center/blog/how-does-a-3d-scanner-work#:~:text=A%203D%20scanner%20works%20with,distortion%2C%20calculating%203D%20coordinate%20measurements.
This article covers how 3D scanning works and the different types. It is useful for understanding scanning's limitations and strengths, as well as the ways we could use it to capture data.