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CAGD 377 Blog Post 1

Liam O'Hare

I am working on an Idle game with a plus one mechanic of turn-based combat. The player will upgrade their factory and combat robot to make money and compete against other robots. I am a mix of an artist and an "incubation" programmer. By incubation, I simply mean I am less experienced, so I will be testing and laying the ground work for basic mechanics, which can then be taken to Kade, our main programmer, to be cleaned up and finalized.

I have been assigned one 3D model of a robot, two factories, and the implementation of our conveyor belt moving a part down itself and passing it to another conveyor belt within Unity. I have completed an annotated map of factory upgrades and components and the mesh of Robot 1.

I am currently working on Factory 1 and Factory 2, and after that I will whip up the conveyor belt script. I have not completed these but I am confident they will be finished before the end of Sprint 2. I took some time this week to catch up with extracurricular work, I am taking next week off of work and will have the time to complete and focus on these cards, as well as hopefully some extra elements.

The only issues I have encountered so far has been team communication. Some things have been misunderstood, but not to any huge failures or wastes of time. Luckily I took it upon myself to draw up some annotated maps and host some team meetings to make sure everyone was on the same page. So far everyone seems to be back up to speed and working well. I understand all of the necessary practices and techniques I've been assigned so far simply due to practice.

I am not worried about completion of tasks, however I'm aware it may look slow at this point. I'll restate, I've planned around my schedule, this first half of the sprint was especially busy at work. It was a unique instance and I managed to get time off to make up for the slow churn of this week. I am confident I will exceed expectations at the end of this sprint, hopefully managing to pull together even more work than was assigned.

Here is progress on the second robot the player will be able to use in combat. It took me a few tries to achieve the same aesthetic that Jen (Jordan), our Lead, was looking for.

After adjusting some textures and reshaping some parts I think I managed to get a good looking robot. It works well in Unity at the moment, his headlights even glow, though he is not properly uploaded to our team project yet, which I will be able to do soon.

Additionally here is an example of how factories will be upgraded over time for the player. Not only does this map ensure all teammates are on the same page but it also works as a checklist for Kade, our programmer, to properly implement the right amount of upgrades for each item. As he starts building the project's infrastructure he will need to know specifics, such as which pieces can be upgraded, and if there is three upgrades or twenty upgrades. These pieces of data are all very important so I made sure to confirm that data on this annotated map is accurate to our vision.

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