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CAGD 330 - Presley Blog 4

Liam O'Hare

This week I did a proportion overhaul. I added some details last week that were not proportionate at all to the reference, and so I went back this sprint to make some corrections, mainly to the hips, torso, and legs. I haven't touched the arms at all this week.

First I decided to tackle this hip area. I lined my reference up and started working to get all of the pieces proportionate. This bold, the surrounding crotch joint, and hip flexors all were off last time. Angles, sizes, and individual pieces were moved around and adjusted. This process was simple, however I wish I had maintained the dynamic subdivisions for this as it would have been a simpler process. Since I didn't have all of the data saved for every subtool, I had to get quite messy or completely redo parts, such as the bold and hips. Eventually though everything was cleaned up and this section looks much better. I even made changes to the hip and quad with rotations and some thicker sections to make sure I was staying true to the reference.

Next I tackled the legs, which needed a lot of work. I first rearranged things to make sure everything lined up, then I used my move tools, lower subdivisions, and pivots to correctly layout the pieces. After this I went in to add more blocked in detail to prepare myself for the future detailing. I find that using the dam standard brush to draw out all of the sections was very helpful in drawing my layout for each piece. After this I would fill in with clay buildup and use H-Polish to define edges. This worked great for the knee joint and I continue to use this strategy all along the leg.

I also did plenty of torso work. I came in with a dam standard brush and a lot of moving to block out all of those pipes. I plan to sculpt this part of the torso. I also had to stretch the torso much more, as it was far off from the reference. This was very helpful and sped up my process once I discoverd how many individual pieces I can combine into one mesh. I am careful to do so, however I think this is a good section to keep as one.

Below is the final progress for this week. It was good to go back and ensure everything was up to par with proportions, and I feel more confident now moving forward with blocking other pieces out. I also have a good plan for how I will do these things more effectively and efficiently.

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