Continued work on Presley has gone well. I have been getting much faster at using both Maya and the ZModeler brush. The ZModeler brush allows me to build most of my rough models in ZBrush, speeding my process up and keeping me in one software. While I still am no expert at it now that I've forced myself to use it I have a foundation to grow from with the ZModeler brush that I will only become more proficient at. This week I experimented a lot with polygroup painting and grouping for the ZModeler brush as well as other parts of the mesh. I plan to split the base mesh that is made of ZSphere's into various polygroups to section off parts like the legs and arms. The photo below shows some parts I chose to model in Maya:

I then took these pieces to Zbrush and continued roughing out all of the main large pieces and most complex parts. This included the chest, collarbones, upper arms, forearms, and hips. I plan to make the hands a seperate day as they will be really complex and I don't think they need to be roughed out right now. Everything that I have roughed early was because it helped me maintain proportions when comparing different pieces. For example, the shoulder was very hard to find its location and size without seeing it in relation to the finished chest and collar.

I am also happy to say the head is mostly complete. The main base of the head, eyes, and long plane behind the head is all complete. However, there is a unique interface behind this head and plane that will likely need to be sculpted. Additionally, there are some glass canisters holding a red fluid on the left and right cheeks of the robot's face, as well as some pipes that run through his neck. I will likely build the canisters in Maya to be sure that I make a glass canister with proper topology, since I plan to render real glass with fluid. I also plan to build the pipes in ZBrush later towards the end of the high poly phase as a "detail pass". This is mainly because I want to make my own pipe brush for this model and thought learning this now would slow down my process. My goal is to get all of the pieces finished as soon as possible so I can have time to learn new techniques for pipes.
However I do wish I could have spent more time on this character this week, I am happy with the amount of work I completed. I wish I could have had the entire head done, including the canisters and interface, as well as the torso. My next goals are to complete the head as soon as possible and start building the torso. The torso includes a unique look to it that I think might take some practice to achieve. If I could nail that sooner, I would have an easier time completing similar parts, such as the thighs or back.
However, despite the rate of speed I've been working at, I am relatively happy with the look I am achieving. I think Presley will look really cool when it's done and textured and I am excited to see the final renders for it.
