In this assignment we learned to model, unwrap, and texture assets with Maya and Substance Painter. We then learned how to set up a scene for rendering. We had to choose a western themed environment and build around five to seven props to create a micro scene. We learned how to first build meshes with curves and deformers based off of reference gathered offline. Then we unwrapped our models to prepare them for texturing in Substance Painter. In Substance Painter we applied various materials, generators, and masks to finish the models look. We modified the materials to get the specific look we wanted for each model. We learned to export our maps and imported them into Maya so that Arnold renderer could understand them. Finally we set up a small scene with lights and a backdrop to render various angles of the scene.

Some problems I ran into during this was using the wrong material type in Maya, confusing aiStandardSurface with StandardSurface. Until I noticed that, I had issues with rendering glass and some metals. All that took to solve was some research though. Another issue was texturing the revolver, as achieving a dynamic wood grain color is difficult in substance. I ended up using some dirt generators to help it vary, but in the future I think I can try and spend more time achieving a better wood handle. I think I managed my time well for this project, I planned it out all before making models so I could predict what would take the longest. Of course, making the revolver took the longest, so I chose to make most of the easier props first to make time for the revolver. That was helpful because it gave me an entire week to complete the revolver, which was needed since texturing it took longer than expected.